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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hold on to Me for Dear Life

Psalm 91

“If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,

I’ll get you out of any trouble.

I’ll give you the best of care

if you’ll only get to know and trust me.”  

- The Message

 My granddaughter carries a stuffed Panda bear with her everywhere she goes. It is her security blanket. If Panda gets left behind, her parents have to go back and get him. She “holds on for dear life” to Panda.

Most of us don’t feel the need to “hold on for dear life” to something. My wife and I fall into that category. We own a very nice condo. We go out to eat whenever we want. We take enjoyable vacations. We buy season tickets for Michigan State football (sorry Buckeye fans). When we need to go to the doctor or dentist or eye doctor or get prescriptions, we do it.

In our society it is easy to become satisfied with ourselves, to become complacent. It is easy to find our security in our material things. It is easy to put our trust in the things that we can see and touch rather than an invisible God. We tell ourselves that if we can control our lives around us, then everything is ok. But when things get out of our control, see how that feels.

Right now we are going through a very stressful time. After 23 years of teaching in the Columbus City Schools my wife has had enough. So she retired. Both of us thought by now she would have a decent job with benefits. That hasn’t been the case. In fact, job hunting has been quite discouraging.

I think this is a good thing for my wife and me. I have no idea how it will turn out. We just found out today that extended health insurance through the school system would cost $1257 PER MONTH! That’s enough to shake your world.

The verses above are becoming very meaningful for me. We have put ourselves in a situation where we can’t put our trust in Panda anymore. We can’t put our trust in things. But we have to “hold on for dear life” to the God who loves us and cares for us.



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