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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Psalm 69

Prayer is Breaking

“Blessed be your name, in a land that is plentiful.
Where your streams of abundance flow, blessed be your name.”

“Blessed be your name, when I’m found in the desert place.
Though I walk through the wilderness, blessed be your name.”

These lines sung by Chris Tomlin and several other artists illustrates how we as Christ followers are called to praise the name of the Lord no matter what our circumstances. Through the good times and bad, amidst joy as well as sorrow and suffering, our God looks for us to worship and thank Him. Yes, it’s much easier to be grateful for the blessings in our lives than the pain and sorrow, but as we become more aware of God’s workings and realize our plans are often not the same as His it becomes a bit easier to do.

The true test of our devotion is when the rain keeps coming day after day, month upon month, and for years on end. When one trial after another beats us down and empties our soul as in Psalm 69, ---the Lord waits for us to cry out in our brokenness. Verses 1-3; “Save me, Oh God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; and the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God.” 

We tend to turn our backs and run from pain and trials, but perhaps that is not what is best. If we stay in the pain rather than attempt to flee from it, God will meet us in that pain and do His work in us if we allow it. Standing firm within the storm and lifting our eyes, hands and heart upward is the best way to see the storm through and then look around to realize and appreciate what the rains have produced.

“We must trust the Lord through the darkness, and honor Him with unwavering confidence even in the midst of difficult situations. The reward of this kind of faith will be like that of an eagle shedding its feathers is said to receive—a renewed sense of youth and strength.” J.R. Macduff

Read/Listen to Psalm 69

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