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Thursday, February 20, 2014


I was once a manager in an organization that was undergoing significant change. Everybody had to think differently about their jobs and, in fact, the organization itself had to think about its purpose in the larger corporation.
New organizational goals were developed. People’s jobs were changed to align with the new organizational goals. Stated differently, people did what the organization needed them to do instead of doing things the old, comfortable, way. It was a trying time for many people. Nobody likes change.
Today’s story, Acts 10:9-20, is a story about change. In a vision, God told Peter that the customs of the Gentiles should not be a barrier to him as he preached the Gospel to them. In fact, he was to follow some of their customs to better enable God’s word to reach their hearts.
The Jews developed customs based on the Laws God had given them. The Gentiles, on the other hand developed customs of a “worldly” nature.  Historically, the Jews and the Gentiles tolerated each other, but for the most part they kept their distance.  It was not  permissible for a Jew to eat with a Gentile.
God told Peter he was to eat with the Gentiles. You can imagine how difficult this was to him and how uncomfortable he must have felt at first. Yet Peter did as he was told so that the Good News of Jesus Christ could reach the Gentiles.
Congregations have the responsibility to proclaim the Gospel to its local community. Congregations engage its members to get this critical assignment done. Sometimes we are asked to do things that, like Peter, we are not entirely comfortable doing.
Peter put his feelings aside to further God’s Kingdom. We can follow Peter’s example and proclaim the Gospel, even if means doing something differently.
We carry out Jesus’ work because of his love for us. We do it even if we have to change.
We do it even if we don’t like change.

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