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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Acts 14: 18-28

Witness, Persecution, and Encouragement

In this passage Paul and Barnabas were together. Paul cured a cripple man, and the crowd that witnessed this miracle began to worship Paul and Barnabas. Knowing that not they, but God was responsible for the healing, they rejected the praise and redirected it to the Lord. Paul also advised them to turn from their worthless things to the living God who created all things. Paul and Barnabas attempted to minister to them, and appeal to their sinful nature, however were persecuted in return. The crowd stoned Paul, dragged him outside of the town, and left him for dead. 

“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of heaven,” was Paul’s message to the disciples. He picked himself up, and returned to the city! This was not about to stop Paul from preaching the good news. There are people in this world today who risk physical mistreatment similar to Paul’s, and possibly death for the sake of Christianity. Please pray for them.

Though stoning is not the type of treatment we endure, at times we may feel pretty beat up. Christ followers in this country are ignored, ridiculed, put town, verbally assaulted, and at times physically attacked for their beliefs. Many struggle within their own families to hold tightly to the word, when in the midst of relatives resistant to a lifestyle we are called to through the bible. Please pray for them.

Heavenly Father, we praise you and lift our hands and hearts to you for all the goodness you provide. Your loving ways are beyond our comprehension, yet we attempt to understand and minister to others your message of forgiveness, grace, and hope. Please remain with us as we carry on through this journey, and bring us strength to persist as Paul did, to bring your message to those who so desperately need it. Amen.

Listen to/Read Acts 14:8-28

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