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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Repent. Remember. React.

Repentance is a major sub-theme in the Bible. Peter told people that to be saved they needed to, “Repent and be baptized.” John the Baptist told people to, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
Peter and John were speaking to unbelievers. Believers, too, have a need to repent. We confess and ask for (and get) forgiveness in our church services, and many Christians repent of their sins on a regular, if not daily, basis.
My Webster’s Dictionary says repentance is, “Remorse or contrition for past conduct or sin.” I suppose that is accurate, but today’s reading, Zechariah 12:10-14, adds much depth to that definition.
The Bible is a story of Man disobeying God. No person can do what God demands. We are sinners because of our actions, and because we descended from sinners. God demands a sacrifice for our sin. In fact, we deserve death. Yet, because God loves us, Jesus was that sacrifice, so that we might live.
Zechariah prophesies the impact of Jesus' death on the Christian Church (Jerusalem). The entire church will mourn. It will mourn like parents mourn the death of an only child. It will mourn like Israel mourned the death of King Josiah (who died in the plain of Megiddo).  Everyone will mourn, and the mourning  will be deep.
Jesus, a man with the same human emotions as you and I, died for our sins. One could even say that Jesus died because of our sins. Realizing that should make us mourn deeply, as Zechariah suggested.
Yet repentance yields fruit. We are given Jesus’ Spirit and asked to carry out his mission. We live with Jesus here on Earth and we will live with him after our earthly death.
Repent of our sins. Remember our savior. React and do his work.

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