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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Do God's Work

Many years ago I travelled frequently on business. At first blush travelling to Chicago, New York, Amsterdam, Madrid, San Diego, Dallas, Frankfurt, Paris, Bordeaux, Nice and Rome can seem glamorous.  And at first it is glamorous.
However, over time, I came to loathe it.
My plane is not even shown in this picture
Flight delays, circling airports during thunderstorms, missed connections, flight delays, taxi drivers taking me to the wrong hotel, more flight delays,  locked out of my room on the balcony of my fourth floor room, lost luggage, cancelled flights, airport bomb scares, … , the list goes on and on (did I mention flight delays?).
I was not preaching the Gospel; I was merely trying to earn a living!
Today’s reading, Acts 27:1-44, is about one of the (arguably) worst trips in recorded history. Paul was travelling from Caesarea to Rome and in one trip he went through more than I went through in all my business travels combined.
Paul was preaching the Gospel; He was doing God’s work.
So was I doing God’s work? Well, I was not on the front line like Paul, but perhaps I was doing God’s work.
All Christians have a vocation. It includes worshipping God. Most of us have occupations, and some of us are called to be parents. Our vocation also includes being a member of a congregation that proclaims the love of Jesus to the world.
Earning a living meant travel, and that meant I was bound to have to put up with all the frustrations of travel. It also meant that I would have an income, and would have the wherewithal to contribute to my congregation.
By giving, I was playing a part, albeit small, in proclaiming God’s Message. I was not in a position in my life to go on mission trips, but I was in a position to give. God had blessed my family and I financially and it was only proper that I give back. The spiritual blessings my family and I received were immense!
Be a contributing member of a faithful congregation. Do God’s work. Give.

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