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Friday, May 16, 2014

Rome-ward Bound

Acts 28:14b-15 And so we came to Rome. The brothers and sisters there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these people Paul thanked God and was encouraged.

What an incredible life Paul has lived to this point.  What an amazing journey of faith and endurance he has traveled. In just these fifteen verses he has faced a shipwreck, has met up with islanders who first welcomed and then feared him. He was thought to be a murder, then a god. He was invited into the home of one of the chief officials where he cured the man's father then went on to heal others.

Paul continued to minister, even as a shipwrecked prisoner.  No wonder the Good News spread. This is a lesson for us too.  Our life will get messy at times and we will suffer various ills and experience pain and heartache, but like Paul, we don't have to be stopped in our tracks. If God wants to get us to Rome - to Rome we will go.

I have learned that God's will is to be done regardless if I am cooperative or not. When God wants to use me, it is best I obey.  When God is directing our path, we would be wise to walk it. Paul's walk must have caused him to wonder where all this would lead him.  It was his faith in God that kept him moving forward.

When we rely entirely on God, our faith will keep us moving forward too. When the road is rough, there is no need to turn back - God is with us.

Acts 28:1-15

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