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Saturday, May 17, 2014

May the Force Be With You

Acts 28:16-31

In 1977 the movie Star Wars made this quote famous, even iconic. It brought characters like Han Solo, Leia Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Darth Vader and Yoda into our daily lives. It was a classic battle between good and evil.

 Paul has been involved in a classic battle between good and evil. Having gone on three long term missionary trips to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, he has faced violent opposition that included riots, being run out of town, flogging, threats to his life and being ship-wrecked.

Hollywood likes a happy ending. They like it when the good guy rides off into the sunset with the girl. They like it when the good guys catch the bad guys and send them off to jail. They like it when good is victorious over evil like in Star Wars. But life doesn’t always happen that way.

When the book of Acts ends, there is no clear winner. On the one hand Paul is relatively free to share the Gospel and does so for two years. But on the other hand, he is under house arrest and cannot leave his residence.

 Hollywood would rather have Acts end like the movie Rocky when he comes out of nowhere to become the world champion boxer. Our natural instinct is to wish for Paul to be the underdog that has been continually beaten down by the system, but rises victoriously while leading thousands of people to Christ.

 However, our life is more like Paul’s in that sometimes there is no clear victory. We struggle to change and to become more like Jesus. We struggle to follow Jesus no matter what. We struggle to serve Jesus in all that we do. We struggle to give up control of our lives and surrender to Jesus.

May the force of the Holy Spirit be with you as you struggle to change, to follow, to serve and to surrender control of your life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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