Scripture is God-breathed and is
useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so
that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
Envision the Holy breath of God, exhaling His own words through the air
into the heads and hearts of the scripture writers. Through them the Lords
message was placed onto common scrolls transforming simple parchment into
sacred documents from Heaven. What an honor to have been chosen by God as a
vehicle for expressing His love.
Those writers were common folk, as are you and I. They became teachers
as they discovered God’s design for themselves. Throughout the ages, their
writings have impacted and changed the course of history.
We do not have to be teachers by profession to be instructors in the
way of an honorable life. Others learn from us by our every word and action.
Romans 12:5 speaks of those in Christ belonging to each other. Our
spiritual gifts are expressions of the Holy Spirit. I recall being stirred to
reality a couple years ago when one of our young Pastors delivered a message on spiritual gifts,
he summarized them as follows:
Prophecy bringing the
message of God to his people
Service always
seeking needs
Teaching helping people
understand biblical truth
Exhortation an
encourager-build people up
Giving give freely to
others to bring glory to God without recognition
Leader get people organized and focused on God’s plan
Mercy compassion,
kindness, empathy-drawn to the hurting
Though I AM a teacher by vocation, I see that
teaching is not necessarily my spiritual gift. Perhaps I am teaching in order
to use my spiritual gifts to reach others who may not have otherwise been
reachable. What are your spiritual gifts, and how are you using them to reach
and teach; to change the course of history for yourself, and for others?
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