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Saturday, September 13, 2014

To Make Your Joy Complete

1 John 1:1-4


 Hello. My name is John. Not John the Baptist, but John a son of Zebedee. I’m a fisherman by trade and used to work in my father’s business with my brother James. Mostly we fished in the Sea of Galilee.


There has been a lot of unrest in our little part of the world. People were unhappy with the oppressive Roman rule, and our Jewish religion was at a fever pitch of expectation for the Messiah. First John the Baptist appeared, but he claimed not to be the Messiah.


Then this other man showed up. He was a common carpenter, but people were beginning to follow him like a great teacher. In fact, one day my brother James and I were fishing when he called us to follow him. We left our boat immediately. I don’t know how our Father got along, but we had to follow this man Jesus.


We were with Jesus day and night for the next three years, and during those years I witnessed some of the most amazing things. He healed the sick, made the lame to walk, cleansed the leper, fed thousands in one sitting and turned water into wine. He even raised the dead and forgave sins. Only God can do that.


I have wonderful memories of him. On one occasion he took Peter, James and I to the top of a mountain. We saw the brightest light I’ve ever seen. Then a voice that filled my soul said, “This is my son whom I love. With him I am well pleased”.


We were in Jerusalem for Passover when everything started to unravel. He took Peter, James and I out to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. The next thing we knew, Jesus was being dragged away by soldiers. He was tortured, beaten, mocked and spit upon. There was a travesty of a trial and finally he was hung on a cross. I felt so powerless and so ashamed. I loved him so much, but fear paralyzed me.


The day after the Sabbath all of us were sitting around in a safe house feeling sorry for ourselves when some of the women came running into the room breathless with an unbelievable story. The tomb where Jesus had been buried was empty. We were stunned. Soon though Mary came, and with tears in her eyes, told us that Jesus was alive; that she had seen him, talked with him and touched him.


Indeed, Jesus stayed with us for another 40 days before we watched him ascend into heaven. I’ll never forget it. My life will never be the same because of him. That is why I wrote these letters: “to make my joy complete”.


You see, Jesus was the Son of God and he was the incarnation of God Himself sent here to bring salvation to all who would believe and follow. And in a way, those of us who believe and follow him are his hands and feet. Maybe even in a small way, we are Jesus to those with whom we share his love. That is why I share with you and why you need to share with others. So that your joy may be complete also.


Won’t you join me?



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