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Thursday, May 21, 2015

More Powerful than Water

Water is powerful. A flood can destroy your house in a second. An unchecked drip can rot your house over a several year period. Besides being powerful, water also brings something powerful.
“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Peter spoke these words, from today’s reading, Acts 2:29-41, in Jerusalem during Pentecost.
What a blessing baptism is. Water and the Word of God: a common liquid coupled with profound wisdom that transcends human understanding. Baptism.  Simple, but effective.
The Lord saved the Jews from Pharaoh’s army about 3400 years ago. The Jews were slaves in Egypt, and Moses was God’s instrument to afflict the Egyptians with 10 plagues. Eventually Pharaoh relented and released the Jews. However, Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army to crush the Jews. God parted the waters of the Red Sea allowing the Jews to cross. With the Egyptians still on the sea bed, God released the water and the army drowned.
God used water to save the Jews from its enemy.
When we are baptized, Satan, can no longer touch us. Sure, he can wreak havoc in our lives, but our souls belong to God.
God uses water to save Christians from its enemy.
Joshua led the Jews through the Jordan River to Canaan. Out of water, the Jews came to their Promised Land.
Our baptism ensures us eternal life with God. Out of water, Christians come to their promised land, Heaven.
A theologian would say baptism Justifies us. That is, baptism makes us right with God.
Baptism is more than that. Peter tells us the Holy Spirit enters us on our baptism.
The Holy Spirit allows us to have faith and be aware of, if not fully understand, God’s Plan and Christ’s Mission. In addition, it equips us with the skills necessary to carry out that Mission, the Mission of the Church.
Baptism also Sanctifies us. It allows us to reach out to others.
Baptism: Justification and Sanctification!
Yes, water brings the Holy Spirit, more powerful than water itself!

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