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Thursday, May 28, 2015

We Know Jesus' Voice

Today’s reading is John 9:39 – 10:18, the bulk of which is “The Good Shepherd and His Sheep.” Jesus likens himself to a shepherd, and the Church as a flock of sheep. He reminds us that true believers, sheep in the story, know Jesus and will follow only him. We know Jesus' voice.

But many will come, trying to deceive us with a false voice. This is concerning.
Verse 10:10 tells us that, “The thief comes only to steal and destroy.” There are many who tried to turn God’s people away from God, when Jesus was alive and prior to his birth.
Today there are many religious leaders who try to turn Christians away from the Church and God’s Word. Some put other books above the Bible. Some teach there are ways to heaven other than through Christ. Some even dare suggest that humans have what it takes to earn their way to heaven.
Political leaders, too, try to lead Christians astray. There are some, claiming to be Christians, who support abortion and alternative definitions of marriage. Throughout the world, some of these leaders have turned people away from Christ with the goal of a controlling government.  Communism, for instance, was introduced in parts of Latin America with the support of both political and religious leaders.
Yes, Jesus’ church is under attack. The thieves are here today.
The same verse continues, “I have come that they [my sheep] may have life and have it to the full.” Jesus’ church is under attack.  Sure, our adversaries will sometimes win a battle, but Jesus  protects us.  Our souls are secure. He also ensures that we will win the war. We will have life in full when we ascend to heaven. That is reassuring.
Verse 9:39 tells us Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world”. Jesus assures us that those who attack the church will be judged. Those who are not in his fold will be judged.
We will find satisfaction in knowing that good prevails over evil.
Concerning. Reassuring. Satisfaction. All because we know Jesus' voice.


We will find satisfaction in knowing that good prevails over evil.


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