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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Play in the Hole

Last month my wife and I rented a house by the beach. Our kids and their families joined us. We had an awful lot of fun.

My two grand-daughters are 3 and 5 years old. There were times when the adults wanted to just sit and rest by the ocean, but the kids needed constant supervision. Without someone watching them, they would wander into the water, wander down the beach or play with the crabs.

Playing in the Hole
Telling them not to do these things was fruitless. However, digging a hole in the sand, letting it fill up with water and telling them to play in the hole amused them. They spent several hours playing in a hole, doing what I wanted, not doing what they wanted.
Today’s reading is Galatians 5:16-26. Some Christians in Galatia believed that because Jesus died for their sins, they had free reign to do as they please. Paul is reminding the Galatians that if they are in the Spirit, then they should live in accordance to the Spirit.  A Christian should not live a life of constantly succumbing to desires of the flesh.
The 10 Commandments tell us what we are not to do. (Okay, they tell us to honor our parents and worship God.) But what are we to do?
If we live in the Spirit, then we do what Jesus Christ did. We love God and we love our neighbor as ourselves. We make disciples of people, and we teach them the Word of God.
When we do these things, we live in the Spirit. We don’t have to worry about breaking the Ten Commandments.  
When we do these things, we don’t do what we want to do. Rather, we do what God wants.
God wants us to play in the hole.

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