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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hunger to Connect With the Will of God

John 4:28-38

The Greek language distinguishes at least four different ways the word love is used. Today I would like to speak of two of them, phileo love and agape love. Simply stated:

phileo is love that reciprocates

                      agape is love given whether the love is returned or not        

unconditional love

As Jesus walked the earth agape love is just what he demonstrated at all times. That is the only way to live a sinless life as Jesus did. Though his disciples followed Jesus and loved him, they struggled like we do to offer agape love 24/7.

How do we enhance our ability to offer agape love? I assert that feeding ourselves and being fed spiritual food is the only way; opening our hearts to the moving of the Holy Spirit and immersing ourselves in His Word. Then we will hunger to connect with the will of God.

When the disciples spoke to Jesus about needing to eat, in John 4:32,34  his reply was;
                                      “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.                                                 My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” 

Jesus’ words referred to being on a mission that took precedence over any human need. A goal so important, nothing could interrupt it. A passion of the greatest depth.

This encounter, though far more intense, is similar to the role of a parent with an inconsolable baby. The infant is their focus, despite anything else, including their own hunger. The unconditional love they feel for their child takes priority over any want or desire they may have, and their heart is centered on the comfort and peace of their precious, innocent child.

God loves all of his children with agape love as Jesus validated while he was here on earth. The woman at the well, who sinned time and again, the people who condemned him as he spread the word, and those who beat and nailed him to the cross, were loved. Jesus begged the Lord to forgive them as he was in excruciating pain and agony. That is agape love.

Agape Love is what God gives us.
Agape Love is what God asks of us.

Read/Listen to John 4:28-38

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