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Thursday, October 15, 2015

God Desires Oak Trees

Personal growth, professional growth, plant growth.

 You have probably heard these terms before. Personal growth to some is how you deal with people, deal with difficult situations and how you learn about the world.
Professional growth is how we learn to take on more responsibility in our careers to either do our current job better or be equipped for a higher impact job.
And plant growth occurs in my favorite time of the year – the spring. Something magnificent comes from a single seed in the ground. The mighty oak, for instance, originates from a simple seed, the humble acorn.
We are all familiar with growth. In fact, without growth, something soon becomes stagnate or dies.
What about Christian growth?
Today’s reading is 1 Corinthians 4:14-17. Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth. He reminded them that they were Christians and will receive eternal blessings, but that they are not growing in their faith. To rectify the situation, Paul sent Timothy to Corinth to be a role model and teacher.
When we are baptized, we are mere acorns. Paul reminds us to grow, and to imitate Christ, the mighty oak tree. Being an acorn is great; being an oak tree is fantastic!
Growing in Christ is not as simple as fertilizing a tree. The Corinthians learned this and it is true for us today. Paul saw that the Corinthians needed help, and the truth be told, we need help as well.
How does one grow? People are different, learning styles are different and growth patterns are different. There is no single algorithm that tells us how to grow as Christians.
Nonetheless, the Bible gives us a few hints.
First and foremost, we should be in God’s Word and read the Bible daily, or as often as we can. We are also told we should pray constantly. We should serve others as that gives us first-hand knowledge of what it means to be like Christ, the world’s foremost servant. Finally, we are to gain strength from each other and from Jesus. That means taking Communion and having fellowship with other Christians.
Christian growth. It is the only way we can become God’s oak tree!
What will your Christian growth plan be?

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