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Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Gift that tore a family apart

If you are one who enjoys television shows or movies about family drama, Genesis 37 is right up your alley. This chapter is filled with jealousy, sibling rivalry, hatred, favoritism, and violence. Everything popular television programming if filled with. This may be one of the first documented sagas spanning generations, and one many of us can relate to.

The key character in this dysfunctional family is Joseph, the youngest son of Jacob. As the baby of the family, Joseph was favored by his father. Naturally, resentments brewed between the lad and his eleven older brothers. That is the beginning of this story, but only the beginning. God's plan for this family is a story of attempted murder, lies, and deceit; and how God used all this for good.

There are messes in all our families. Just living life together is difficult, as we are all sinful and self-serving. I know my own family tree contains a few bad apples and numerous bruised fruits. God is all about making sweet, that which is sour.

This story begins when Joseph receives a gift from his father, Jacob. The gift is a very special coat. One that was much more than the usual garb of the day. The robe, a colorful, flowing garment, was fit for royalty. This gift caused the brothers' resentments to grow and bad feelings to fester. The animosity in their hearts against their little brother grew to murderous proportions.

The eleven plotted and schemed of a way to remove this thorn called Joseph. Evil intentions darkened their hearts, but God had another plan.  A plan which would change the world.

One cannot just read chapter 37 though or you will miss out on the intrigue and excitement even Hollywood couldn't capture. Keep following this blog through November to discover what God is up to.

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Genesis 37

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