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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Why God?

Genesis 39:13-23


In this story, Joseph finds himself between a rock and a hard place. If he gives in to the aggressive advances of his bosses’ wife, he betrays the trust of Potiphar and sins
against God. On the other hand, if he resists Potiphar’s wife, he runs the risk of finding the truth of the saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.

From the text we read that he did indeed resist her, but with apparently disastrous consequences as Potiphar’s wife makes up a boldface lie.
Here’s how the Living Bible states it.


12 …she came and grabbed him by the sleeve demanding, “Sleep with me.” He tore himself away, but as he did, his jacket slipped off and she was left holding it as he fled from the house. 13 When she saw that she had his jacket, and that he had fled, 14-15 she began screaming; and when the other men around the place came running in to see what had happened, she was crying hysterically. “My husband had to bring in this Hebrew slave to insult us!” she sobbed. “He tried to rape me, but when I screamed, he ran, and forgot to take his jacket.”


Joseph was in a situation where he could have easily cried out, “Why God? Why did you let me be thrown into prison even though I was being faithful to you? Why did you let my brothers sell me into slavery bringing me to this god-forsaken place? Why have you turned your back on me? Why God?”


You may have cried out like this yourself at some time. “Why God did you let our child die? Why did I lose my job when I have a family to provide for? Why did you let my marriage fall apart? Why did our house burn to the ground? Why did my spouse contract cancer? Why do I struggle with this addiction? Why God?”


And yet, being thrown into prison was not the end of the story for Joseph. Although he could have responded by turning away from God or dwelling on his desperate circumstance, he didn’t. Instead he remained faithful to God, and was eventually placed in charge of the whole prison. God didn’t forget him. God didn’t leave him. God had a plan even in the midst of hopeless circumstances.


Therefore, the next time you find yourself in a situation where you are crying out “Why God”; remember this. God is in control and He is always at work in your life drawing
you towards Him. He is always with you. He loves you unconditionally and nothing can separate you from His love. He has a plan for your life and is faithful.;TLB


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