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Friday, November 6, 2015

Genesis 39: 1-12

Joseph Tempted

We are all tempted on a regular basis. Allured by things that are appealing to the eye, heart, and body we are in a constant battle making moral and spiritual decisions. Through repeated enticement, Joseph resisted and remained sinless. How was he able to withstand the pressure? He was human.

“The Lord was with Joseph, and he prospered…” Genesis 39:2. He had God, and because his Egyptian master recognized this he made Joseph his attendant and entrusted everything into his care. (People recognize those who have God directing their life.)

As we have learned, with power comes responsibility. Joseph took that obligation seriously.  Even after repeated propositions from the master’s wife, Joseph resisted. He likely could not have done so without the Spirit of the Lord being with him. Joseph kept God front and center.

We too, are limited with our ability to make decisions that are pleasing to God when left on our own. The Spirit is always near as Jesus promised, yet we often ignore this presence and take matters into our own hands. The regrets I have in life are numerous, and I would be forever grateful for a couple of "do-overs." Perhaps you feel the same. It makes me feel slightly better knowing that in Romans 3:10 it is written “There is no one righteous, no not even one.” Yet it doesn't change the past.

The song; Through All of It by Colton Dixon (An American Idol finalist in 2011) reminds us of our challenges, inconsistencies and need for Him. One verse reads; “I have won, and I have lost. I got it right sometimes, but sometimes I did not. Life’s been a journey, I’ve seen joy, I’ve seen regret.
Oh but you have been my God through all of it.” 

Thank you Lord, that you are a loving and forgiving God no matter how human we are.

Read/Listen to Genesis39:1-12

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