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Friday, November 13, 2015

Genesis 41:33-45

Joseph Finds Reward Through God Given Dreams

I have dreams of flying sometimes. I love it when I do. I feel amazing and free! Once in a very vivid dream I recall placing my shoes in my back pocket, leaping from the top of an offshore lighthouse and soaring over the water on a turbulent summer night. It was beyond wonderful. In time I started to lose altitude and became frightened I would fall into the depths of the ocean. As I pushed with my legs and turned slightly sideways in an attempt to ascend, I prayed, “Please God, let me get to shore.” I had full faith in my heart that he would not let me fall. 

I was lifted, guided to shore and then gently touched down on my feet. After a few strides I yanked the shoes from my pocket, put them on, and continued down the street. My heart was nearly bursting with happiness for two reasons. I had the opportunity to fly again, and my God had come through for me once more!

Current research indicates that dreams are the mind’s way of processing strong feelings and experiences. I love the feeling of flying- I experienced it once during the free-fall while sky-diving, and I am a Christ Follower. That explains my dream right, or should I question; “Is God trying to tell me to trust him more? Should I be taking more risks? Is he assuring me that he is always there for me? Was God the lighthouse, my beacon and though I left him he still loved me enough to save me?

In the case of the Pharaoh of Egypt, he was not able to make a connection to his dreams, so was eventually led to Joseph who had been known to interpret dreams in the past. Joseph made it clear to the Pharaoh that he had no power to decipher the meaning of his dreams. It was done by God. Never the less, Joseph was rewarded.

Genesis 41:39-40 Then the Pharoah said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

God, Joseph's beacon was finally calming the waters for him.  Joseph had waited for many years with patience and faith for the Lord to turn bad into good. And good it was! Joseph was adorned with robes of fine linen, given the Pharaoh's ring for his finger and a gold chain about his neck. Joseph rode in the chariot as second-in-command. Pharaoh respected Joseph's connection with God.

As we dream during sleep, daydream, or simply be still in hopes of understand God's will for us, there may be times we sense God is leading us in some way or sending us a message. When that happens the NIV Bible (The Journey A Bible For Seeking God and Understanding Life) recommends taking some specific steps;
Carefully research the issue (Proverbs 14:15)                                                                                      Ask God for Wisdom (James 1:5)
Seek out the counsel of advisers:  (Proverbs 15:22)
Make sure what you propose doesn't violate a scriptural command (Joshua 22:5)
Be sure your plans include God (Psalm 127:1 and Proverbs 3:5-6)   

I urge you to write down these verses and keep them in an easy to locate place. When you feel the Lord may be speaking to you, you will already be prepared to act.   

Read/Listen to Genesis 41:33-45 

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