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Thursday, November 12, 2015

God is in Control

Have you ever stressed about something that you thought you had influence over, but it was not quite right? Maybe it was something at work, or perhaps it had something to do with your family. When things aren’t going as we expect, it can be stressful.

Sometimes God asks us to take control of a situation and rectify it. Other times our actions can be fruitless. At times like this, it can be stressful and frustrating as well.

Today’s reading is Genesis 41:14-32.

Joseph had been thrown in jail in Egypt. He was a victim of circumstances, and there was nothing he could do about it. He probably was frustrated and stressed.

Pharaoh had a couple of unusual dreams and he summoned Joseph to interpret them. God used Joseph to tell Pharaoh that Egypt would go through seven years of an economic boom, followed by seven years of a famine-induced bust.

Pharaoh immediately realized he needed to store surplus food during the bountiful years to feed people during the lean years. Requiring an obedient, wise man, Pharaoh placed Joseph in charge of the farm land to ensure there would be sufficient food.
Joseph not only was out of jail, but was now the second most powerful man in all of Egypt!
One overarching theme in this story is that God is in control. He was in control of the grain harvest in Egypt.
God was also in control of Joseph’s fate. God needed Joseph to assume an important position under Pharaoh. Joseph was in jail, but eventually God saw to it that he would be where God wanted him to be.
God is in control of our lives as well. We would like our life to be trouble-free and stress-free, but that is not possible. We suffer the consequences of a sinful human race, be it our own sin or someone else’s sin.
Given that, should we always fight to have our lives the way we want?  If God is in control, should we acknowledge that? Maybe it makes life a little bit easier knowing God is in control.
Is there any troublesome area in your life that would alleviate your stress if you let God take control?



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