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Friday, November 20, 2015

Genesis 46:1-47:12

With God's Plan-Nothing is Wasted

As this story of Joseph continues, we are reminded once again of “the big picture” and how trusting in God’s plan is our best option for living a peaceful life as the Lord intended. So many things are out of our hands, yet we attempt to control them. We want to change things to suit our circumstances and bring us comfort like Joseph's brothers did. They likely didn't live in peace after what they did.

Our dear daughter and son-in-law were expecting their third child. They were overjoyed, and anxious to welcome another tiny gift into our family. Upon learning the infant was not developing normally, they began adjusting their minds and hearts to caring for a child with special needs. That however was not part of God’s plan.

They were told this little boy would not make it to delivery. He did. Our dear Malachi Joshua was born. He cried, and we cried tears of joy that he was with us. Our precious little guy brought the entire family happiness yet concern as he had many health issues. We loved, held and cuddled him for forty hours. Then the Lord took him home.

We were all devastated, but of course none could be as heartbroken as his parents. In their mid-twenties, they were so young to have to endure such tragedy. Grief and mourning was real, raw, and heart wrenching. Through it all Malahi’s parents held tightly to each other and God’s word. His daddy was up all night the eve of the funeral, preparing to share his son’s brief yet beautiful life.

Though overwhelmed with sadness he created an amazing presentation that had everyone in awe.  Before displaying what he had prepared Malichi’s father spoke of their journey together; mommy, daddy and baby. He struggled to continue as tears welled up in his eyes and his breaking heart pounded. He concluded with how in the final moments, Malachi reached his little arms into the air as if reaching to God, took his last breath, and then settled into the arms of the Lord.

That day it was shared that “Nothing is Wasted.” Malachi’s life had great meaning and impact reaching far beyond what we will ever know. The message of hope in Christ delivered by the pastor was taken in by some in great need of a Savior. More awareness was spread on the condition of Trisomy 13 and other birth defects. Malachi’s parents became advocates for a variety of causes including adoption, ending abortions, sharing the message of God and so much more!

When we live today with the big picture of God’s plan in mind for tomorrow and beyond, we have an awareness that few others do. Each interaction and experience we have impacts others in ways unknown to us. Everything is a long-range chain reaction for good. Nothing is wasted.

God’s work through Joseph preserved a whole nation and surrounding regions from a great famine, Though Jacob mourned the death of Joseph for years, he was finally able to rest in peace. God’s promise of working for the good in Romans 8:28 doesn’t mean everything that happens to us will be good, but we can be confident in God’s power to reclaim whatever happens for a better purpose when we leave things in His hands. 

Nothing is Wasted by Jason Gray
Read/Listen to Genesis 46:1-47:12

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