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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Things are not What They Seem in the Kingdom of Heaven

A favorite movie of mine is Neil Simon’s 1976 film Murder by Death. It stars David Niven, Nancy Walker, Peter Sellers and Truman Capote among others, and is a spoof on “WhoDunIt” murder mysteries.
 Lionel Twain invited all the best detectives in the world (Sam Spade, Charlie Chan, Agatha Christie, et. al.) to his house to solve a murder. The movie ends with one surprise (and funny) twist after another. Things were not what they seemed in the Twain household.
 Today’s reading is Genesis 45:1-28. Joseph had been sold into slavery by his brothers, and was living in Egypt. He survived the temptation of his master’s wife.  He was humbled when he was thrown in jail. Yet with God’s help he rose to be the most powerful man, aside from Pharaoh, in Egypt.
 Joseph revealed himself to his brothers – to his brothers who turned him over for a life of misery. His brothers were scared upon learning how powerful Joseph had become.
 Yet Joseph showed mercy to his brothers and saved them from the ravages of famine that struck the area.
 Things were not what they seemed in Joseph’s household.
 Joseph’s life had a lot in common with Jesus’ life.
 Jesus humbled himself by becoming a man and living on earth. Like Joseph, Jesus did not succumb to temptation.
 Joseph’s brothers betrayed him. One of Jesus disciples, and in fact all of mankind perhaps, betrayed Jesus.
 Joseph’s brothers thought Joseph would use his position to punish them. Many thought Jesus, the Son of God, would use his powers to re-establish the Jewish Empire and punish those who subjugated Israel.
 Rather, Joseph showed mercy to his brothers and Jesus showed mercy to mankind. Jesus saves us from the ravages of eternal torment in hell.
 After his death, Jesus showed that not only was he the Son of God, but that he indeed was God!
 Jesus gift of eternal life to us is undeserved. There is nothing we need to do to earn it. His grace is contrary to everything we have been taught about life on earth.
 Things are not what they seem in the Kingdom of Heaven!

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