Matthew 2:11
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
I am wondering if this verse speaks to the reason we give gifts at Christmas. What do you think? The Magi visited a King and brought gifts to honor Him. They weren't items a baby would use, probably not even items His parents would use in this humble setting. But they were valuable.
I doubt if the Magi worried over their shopping list, stressed about how much to spend and if the gift would be appreciated or not. They had only one reason to give to this King, and it had nothing to do with obligation and everything to do with love.
I wonder, is love our motivation? Do we spend money we don't have to give gifts that aren't needed because it is just what you do on Christmas? I know that was the way I operated for many years. The bigger the pile under the tree, the better the holiday would be.
Until one year when all those reasons were unimportant. The year that God revealed to our family that Christmas isn't about getting stuff.
No, Christmas is about love, about family, about being together and remembering Who is important...and why.
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