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Thursday, December 3, 2015

If You Want Something Done Right ...

If you want something done right, do it yourself.
Although perhaps a bit cynical, that is a statement we probably have heard before. And if you are like me, you can relate to it as well.
Today’s reading is Ezekiel 34:7-16.

The Destruction of Jerusalem
God had promised to protect his people and give them everlasting life. To help keep his promise, God delegated certain responsibilities to kings and priests. The kings were the secular leaders who protected the people from invasion and administered punishment for transgressions of the law. The priests were the spiritual leaders who looked after the temple and the spiritual welfare of the Israelites.
Over time, both sets of leaders neglected their duties and put their own interests before the Lord's.
 Ezekiel lived during the Babylonian captivity. Like so many other prophets before him, he had warned Israel’s leaders that they were leading God’s people down the road of destruction. And he reminded them that their current predicament is the consequence of their lack of faith.
 Fortunately, Ezekiel had more to say.
 God loved his people so much that he was not going to let the failures of its leaders condemn them to eternal torment.
 Ezekiel reminds the Israelites that their leaders will be held accountable, but he also continues that God himself will come and “search for his sheep.” God will bring his people to their land and he will take care of his people.
Ezekiel, of course, is foretelling that Jesus will be living on earth to set up his kingdom and save his people.
Israel’s leaders were incapable of saving Israel. Men are not able to save other men. Only Jesus can save mankind from the consequences of sin. Men have failed God; God came to earth and did the job himself.
We all are guilty of not obeying God. None of us are able to save ourselves, let alone someone else.
Fortunately for us, God is in control of our ultimate destiny. He loves us: he sent his Son to die so that we will live forever.
Fortunately, God wanted something done right!

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