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Saturday, December 5, 2015

BAM! It’s a Celebration!

 Have you ever watched a movie where in the beginning everything is going great? “Life is good” as they say. But then… the bad guy enters, and life turns upside down. One thing after another goes wrong as the villain gains power and wreaks havoc.

As you watch, first you begin to root against the bad guy. Then your feelings become a little stronger; maybe borderline anger. Finally you reach your limit when you find yourself wishing that something terribly wrong would happen to the villain.

And when it does, BAM! It’s a celebration! If you’re at the theatre the audience may even applaud and cheer.

The story of Adam and Eve is kind of like that. They are in the Garden of Eden in perfect harmony with each other, the world around them and especially with God. But then the serpent enters. He spins a few lies and all of a sudden, life is turned upside down.

When you think about this, does it make you angry? Do you even feel hatred for the serpent? He doesn’t care about Adam or Eve or God or you or me. He’s like the guy in the All State commercial who loves to create mayhem. That’s what the serpent does; death and destruction.

Finally, the Lord God enters to declare the consequences of all of their behavior. He directs His first comments toward the serpent. If you listen carefully, you can hear His angry, booming voice as He pronounces the final defeat of the snake.

 “Because you’ve done this, you’re cursed, cursed beyond all cattle and wild animals, 
Cursed to slink on your belly and eat dirt all your life. I’m declaring war between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers. He’ll wound your head, you’ll wound his heel.”            MSG

The serpent is doomed. But who is it that will wound the serpent’s head, or as it is translated in the NIV, “crush your head”?

 These two verses are the first promise of Jesus. He will crush the head of Satan. He will have victory. Go ahead. You can stand up and cheer. Satan has been defeated. We have been delivered. The Lord is alive and still at work in us and through us.

 BAM! It’s a celebration!

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