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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Reach Higher

 When does God speak to your heart? When do you see the light?

Last weekend I went to the Big Ten Championship football game in Indianapolis. On Michigan State’s final drive, or some might call it the Championship Drive, they had the ball for 22 plays, 82 yards and 9 plus minutes. It was a drive for the ages.

 In dramatic style, with 27 seconds left in the game, down by 4 on third down and goal, LJ Scott - a true freshman - was hit by no less than 6 Iowa Hawkeyes. But he still managed to stretch his right hand out while holding the ball to break the plane of the end zone and score the winning touchdown.

This was an amazing effort by the Spartans to endure, persevere and overcome. There were many roadblocks in the way of their victory. It would have been easy to give up; to say “I can’t do it”. There was a worthy adversary working extremely hard to keep them from succeeding. But finally they crossed the line; they reached their goal.

There are many roadblocks that can get in the way of hearing God speak to you. Paul mentions some of them in 2 Corinthians. Losing heart, self-centered motivation, preaching something other than Christ and Satan blinding people from seeing: All of these can blind you; can keep you from seeing the light of Jesus.

But Paul also wrote, 6 “It was God Who said, “The light will shine in darkness.” He is the One Who made His light shine in our hearts. This brings us the light of knowing God’s shining-greatness which is seen in Christ’s face.”                      NLV

God opens our eyes to His light when the time is right. Years ago, one of my sisters shared the Gospel with me without positive results. I wasn’t ready. But God cultivated my heart, and when I was ready, He brought someone into my life to draw me closer to Him.

The Spartans have a tag line this year given to them by their coach… “Reach Higher”. It is supposed to help motivate them when adversity strikes; when the game seems to be over; when it seems like they will never score.

As Christians, we have more than a tag line. We have a God who loves us, is always at work in our lives, is constantly drawing us to Him, has given us gifts to be used for His purposes and has called us to ministry.

This is the God who will never leave you; who will help you reach the goal that is at the
end of a 22 play drive. This is the God who will help you… “Reach Higher”.

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