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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Iron Sharpens Iron

Romans 8:12 (NIV) 
Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation--but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. 
This month we have been studying about care which translates into love.  We are called to care for one another because we are called to love one another.  We can love because Jesus first loved us. We can care because Jesus first cared for us.

Romans 8:2 (NIV) 
"...because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death."
The Holy Spirit (the Spirit of life) gives us the power to live a Christian life; to love and care for each other.

In a texting conversation with my daughter this past week, I was sharing how my friends had been so caring and attentive while I was dealing with the flu bug. These texts went something like this:

Me: A friend just dropped off some food for dinner. Great to have friends.
Daughter: Oh wow. That is awesome. You have great friends.
Me: Yes I do. Two of them covered for me at work this weekend, two more called to see how I was. I need to be more mindful of my friends in ways like this.
Daughter: I understand. So do I.
Me: They teach me to be better.
Daughter: Friends should.

The sinful nature shouts in my ear, "You don't have time for this, let someone else do it."  At the same time the Spirit is gently whispering in the other ear for me to care enough to do what Jesus would do; to say words of encourgement, go the extra mile to help.

Jesus is the only one who lived a life worth imitating from beginning to end. We are called to do as Jesus did.  Some call that discipleship. Sometimes it takes the shape of Care.

Romans 8:1-17

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