Pageviews past week

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Small Groups on Steriods

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)

What would your ideal small group look like? What would its purpose be? How much of yourself would you be willing to give to it? What kind of regular support might you need from your brothers and sisters in Christ?

Personally, I would love to hear testimonies about how God worked in and through my friends’ lives during the past week, even if in seemingly the smallest of ways. God-stories are deeply quenching and spiritually energizing, and it is great to celebrate victories with others, so let’s hear about them! It is also meaningful to be with people who care about me enough to really listen—to set aside other thoughts just long enough to hear me and understand what’s on my mind.

I could list others, but what about you? What would you need to experience in a small group, or what do you savor in your existing small group? Feel free to post your thoughts in the comment box below.

Looking outwardly, what could your fantasy small group do to equip you to thrive as Jesus’ follower in your day-to-day life? How could your peeps help you live a fruitful life here on this side of eternity?

For me, two things immediately come to mind. Again, testimonies fill my “outreach tank” pretty quickly: give me a good story of God working in, through or around you, and I’m looking for the calls to join Him in His work throughout the rest of the week. In addition, working as a team—each person doing what he or she is gifted to do, all toward the same end—is motivating and inspiring to me.

What about you? Would regular fellowship with close-knit believers serve to move you into Spirit-guided action? If so, how? Again, feel free to post your thoughts in the comment box below.

The believers in today’s text devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, hung out together, ate together, shared together, prayed together, and praised God together. “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Now that’s a small group on steroids, don’t you think?

[See the daily reading in Acts 2:42-47.]

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