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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Peter Address the Crowd

Acts 2: 14-41             

On the Day of Pentecost Peter preached, and 3,000 were added to their number!

A small group of believers were gathered as the Holy Spirit came in a powerful way with accompanying winds and sounds from heaven.  A divinely-energized Peter boldly warns those (who several weeks earlier had taken part in the crucifixion of Jesus,) that the day of judgement is near, while setting out the hope of salvation through Jesus the Christ.

Many had come from countries bordering Jerusalem.  They heard the mighty works of God proclaimed in their own native tongue.  The sincere wanted to know the meaning of what they heard, while others mocked, attributing what they heard to excessive drinking. Promptly Peter addressed the mocking accusation that those speaking in tongues were drunk.  He replied, “It is too early in the morning for that!” Acts 2:14. 

Boldly Peter proclaims that Jesus is the risen Messiah, that He is Lord!  He cites the prophet Joel as historical reference to the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.  “And in the last days it will be, God says, that I will pour out my Spirit on all people, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  Joel 2:28-32 

The new body of Christian believers, “the church” had a definable and replicable model.

They devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching, to intimate fellowship of love for each other, (self-giving, sacrificial love.)  An authentic family was born of the believers of the congregation through faith, breaking of bread and steadfast prayer.  They were unified in love and belief of one God, one Lord, one Holy Spirit, one church, one faith, one baptism and one hope.  

They were a church on fire emblazoned by the Holy Spirit, "and the Lord added to their numbers daily, those who were being saved."  Acts 2:47

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