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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Your Safe Place

Psalm 46


“God is our safe place and our strength. He is always our help when we are in trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the center of the sea, and even if its waters go wild with storm and the mountains shake with its action.”   NLV


Many years ago, I was sailing with some friends on the Grand Traverse Bay in northern Michigan when the winds suddenly picked up. We were in a 26 foot sailboat, not big enough to withstand the tumult of the wind and the waves. The sails quickly filled, and pulled the boat to about a 45 degree angel with the water. My life flashed before me.


It’s not very often that our world gets turned upside down, or using the metaphor of Psalm 46; “the earth is shaking, the mountains are falling and the waters go wild from the storm”. But it happens, and not just literally like in the sailboat.


Maybe you’re version of this metaphor is that you’re having trouble starting your career; or you’re struggling after having a still born baby; or your workplace is not just stressful, but oppressive; or your best friends seem to have drifted away; or you make a move out of state away from family and friends. Take your pick.


How do you respond when your world seems to be turning upside down? What do you do? Who do you turn to?


In our culture of rugged individualism, the first response is often to “dig in and deal with it yourself”. Sometimes people will bury themselves in their work or a relationship or even self-destructive behavior. The human spirit is capable of discovering all kinds of ways to attempt to control their world.


So many things in life can cause us to feel lost, alone, insecure, afraid, out of control. The psalmist suggests turning to God; that He is our safe place. When I was a little boy I used to crawl behind the couch and lay snuggled between the couch and the heat vent. On a cold winter morning, it felt like a very safe place.


How do you get to your safe place; to the throne of grace; to hear His still small voice; to know that He is God?


Take time to reflect and mediate on the word of God. This will bring you into His presence; into your safe place.


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