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Friday, June 10, 2016

Luke: 23: 13-25

    Rejected by the Gentiles

My first taste of being unjustly accused was in kindergarten. It was play time and the class had just finished a painting project. Each masterpiece was strategically laid out on the floor to dry in the kitchen area. At some point two of my classmates ran through that area and over the top of the paintings. The teacher was furious when she discovered the footprints. She had warned us all not to go into that space. She demanded we all gather around and admit who had run over the paintings.

One student hesitantly raised her hand. The teacher said, “Who was with you?” The girl pointed at the child next to me, but Mrs. Gerhartz thought I was the culprit. She raised her voice again telling the girl to sit behind the piano. Up to that point, my favorite teacher, then took me by the hand, pulled me over to the piano, slapped my hands and forcefully sat me down behind the piano with the other offender. I sobbed.

Things changed that day.

Jesus was brought before Herod and wrongly accused by the Jews. Then he was presented to Pilate and condemned by Gentiles.

Things changed that day.

I do not mean to minimize the intensity of Jesus plight by comparing it to my kindergarten experience but things do change as a result of learning to follow the will of God and live our lives as Jesus did. I have had many experiences since that day in kindergarten when my character, intentions or faith were wrongly judged. Lashing out never brings about positive results. Grace always wins.

As we step into the Father’s will it is no longer about our feelings or hurts. Worldly power is temporary. True power is sacrifice.

No matter what our age, when we make it about God and not ourselves, we don’t feel the pain in the same way. When we leave things in the hands of the Father we truly can get through anything.

“When your eyes are on the storm, you wonder if I love you still.
But when your eyes are on the cross, you know I always have and I always will.”
(Lyrics by Casting Crowns)

Listen to/Read Luke23:13-25

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