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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Single Mindedness


Luke 23:26-31


My wife and I recently watched the remake of the 1977 TV miniseries Roots. Like the original, it depicted the atrocities of American slavery. However, about half way through the series I found myself getting quite emotional.


For me, there was an even greater message than the abuse of slavery. It was the commitment and single mindedness of Kunta Kinte, and those who followed him, to remember their African heritage; to be a great Mandingo warrior; but mostly to make their forefathers proud.


Jesus was truly single minded. He obeyed his Father even to the humiliating and painful death of the cross. In today’s passage he reminds the grieving “daughters of Jerusalem” of God’s judgement on Israel by quoting the prophet Hosea.


The high places of wickedness will be destroyed—
    it is the sin of Israel.
Thorns and thistles will grow up
    and cover their altars.
Then they will say to the mountains, “Cover us!”
    and to the hills, “Fall on us!”    NIV


Jesus was intricately involved in God’s judgement and in God’s plan of redemption. Without his sacrifice, you and I would suffer judgement; there would be no redemption. Jesus was single minded in his desire to do his Father’s will; to fulfill the prophet’s warnings; to make His Father proud; to please Him.


There is a powerful scene in Roots when Kunta Kinte is being whipped until he will say his slave name of Toby. It is painful to watch. Time and time again as the lash, laced with nails, tears his flesh, he says, “My name is Kunta Kinte”. I found myself whispering, “Just say Toby”. But he was single minded in his commitment to his African ways.


The single mindedness of Jesus suffered God’s judgment for you and for me. If only we
could be single minded like that. What great things we could accomplish for our Heavenly Father who sacrificed everything for us.





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