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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Comfort Food and Living Water

I love fall. That is one of the things I miss most about living in Florida.  We don’t get seasons here and I miss fall the most. In the Midwest, fall has a special smell.  The leaves as they change colors look amazing and the crisp fall air is refreshing to breath in.
I also like foods that come back in season.  Chili, pumpkin pie, pot roast and so many other foods that have been categorized as “comfort foods”.  I would call fall as my “comfort season”.
We are always looking for things that give us comfort or satisfaction.  Whether it’s the people who surround us, the house we live in, or the job we have we long for satisfaction. 
In today’s scripture, Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman gathering water from the well.  Jesus knows immediately that this woman has been seeking satisfaction with men.  He offers her living water, ultimately though he is offering her himself.  He is saying that if she looked to him for satisfaction she would not have to look any place else.
Jesus message is the same today. We try to find satisfaction in so many things when Jesus is the only thing that can satisfy.  I am not talking about salvation. Christians can be totally dissatisfied if they accept Christ as their Savior and then distrust him for everything else in life.

Christ came that we might have life and have it to the full, but if we don’t turn to him for our satisfaction we lose out.  So drink in the living water daily.  Consume scriptures teaching of Jesus and talk to him whenever you feel the need to be satisfied. He will not disappoint.

Read today's passage here John 4:4-26

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