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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Marie, the real deal

How many times have we meant to do something; we felt nudged to do it, but for one reason or another, ignored the nudge? I remember one time a woman I knew from church named Marie, reached out to me. She helped me to feel validated and important. 

When she became ill and was hospitalized, I felt God stirring my spirit more than one time to go see her. But, fear stopped me in my tracks. What if she was really sick, dying, what could I possibly say to help?

I let my pride stop me from doing the right thing, the very thing I know she would have done for me. Well, I never got a chance to make that hesitation turn out right because she died in the hospital. I realized she didn't need me to do anything for her, but I also realize I would never have the opportunity to tell her what a difference her kindness meant to me.

She invited me into her life and demanded nothing in return. The relationship she offered me was real and I never felt like I was a project to her. She was one of those people who let God use them every minute of every day.  

In today’s text, Andrew and two disciples see Jesus “passing by”. They ask Jesus where he is staying. Jesus responds with an invitation to "come and see." After spending the day with Him, Andrew goes to tell his brother about finding the Messiah, the Christ. He then brings Simon to meet Jesus. Simon Peter has no idea how his life will change in the days ahead.

I am reminded that Jesus knows who I am! If Jesus hadn't invited these men to come and see, so much could be different.  If Marie hadn't come alongside and encouraged and cared for me, I would be so different.  

Now, it is time I follow Marie’s example. It is time I learn from her, the lesson of inviting and coming alongside someone already in my life – and do it in a very real way. 

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