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Monday, October 3, 2016

Caring Testimony to Love

"But a Samaritan...had compassion...he took care of him..." (Luke 10:33,34)

The story of the Good Samaritan is familiar to most of us and the true picture of care. The Samaritan never met this injured man but felt compelled to help him. What a testimony of love for fellow-man.

As we learn about walking around the block with someone who hasn't met Jesus yet, care is one of our focuses. After inviting someone into a relationship which is subtle and genuine, we begin to care about them as people and as friends.

Once we have prayed about this and have asked God to show us who He is preparing for this journey with us, we can begin. For walking around the block is a journey that begins with an invitation and then becomes more personal. We can begin caring for this person, or these people before we officially meet them. Part of sharing our faith is praying for guidance, wisdom, and discernment. And because God is faithful, He will honor our prayers and start working before we do.

I found it helpful to remember who first walked me around the block. How did they invite me into their life? What did my life look like after that? How did they care for me? One woman, instrumental in my faith development, had the gift of encouragement. I was at a point in my life when I did not feel necessary or valid. This woman took the time to teach me that I was important. She went on to let me know in different ways, how she wanted to spend time with me.

At that point in my life, her care was vital. Her loving care changed my world forever. Now, can you put this example into your story? Is there something to be duplicated? If it worked for me and for you, why not for them?

Luke 10:30-37

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