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Friday, October 7, 2016

Neighborly Care

"What has happened to me has served to advance the gospel." (Philippians 1:12 NIV)

Paul's story about his imprisonments and the subsequent blessings as a result of these situations are fascinating to read. When he finds himself in chains in a cold prison cell, and knowing he is innocent of the wrong he is accused of, he makes friends with his jailer.  He had time to write the letters which we now read to help us get through our trials and challenges.

"As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ." (Philippians 1:13 NIV)

Many years ago, soon after my husband and I began attending church, we became friends with the pastor and his family. We lived a few blocks away from them and would often take an evening walk around the block, right past their house.  Often they were outside and we would stop and talk and laugh together.

This evening walk around the block soon developed into an occurence we looked forward to. In the beginning, Dave and I felt accepted and invited into their life, without being creepy. Over time the relationship grew and it became genuine and honest. They began to outwardly care for us by making our visits seem as important to them as it obviously was to us.

Dave and I grew in our faith and love for Jesus. Eventually that pastor baptized my husband and our youngest daughter. It is this type of story, or testimony, that could help someone else recognize that sharing the love of Jesus can be as easy as walking around the block.

Philippians 1:12-30

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