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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Paul Shares That He is Afflicted

The Personality of the Pain – Paul tells us about the nature of the trial he endured by the two words he uses to describe it: thorn and buffet. Whatever it was that Paul endured, it was to him like being beaten with an open fist or being impaled on a stake.

The Place of the Pain – Paul’s thorn was “in the flesh,” a physical pain, not emotional or spiritual - (although physical pain often produces emotional pain.)

The Persistence of the Pain – The word “buffet” is a verb of present tense with an active voice.  Paul's pain was continual in nature. He asked God three times for relief, and still the problem endured.

For Paul, the pain kept him from being “exalted above measure”, perhaps to ensure his complete dependency on God.

“There was given to me…”  Paul speaks of his pain, (his thorn,) as a gift. Times of trials and pain can be a gracious gift of God, with promises revealed during times of unremitting pain. It is often hard for us to share with others that we are in pain. We are indebted to Paul as he shared his pain, and the Lord's response. 

The Promise of Divine Sufficiency – Paul prayed for the thorn to be removed.  The Lord’s answer: “My grace is sufficient for thee.” The Lord is telling Paul, “I know you have a big task to accomplish. I called you to that task. I know you feel weak. You will never be enough, but I am always enough!”

The Promise of Divine Sovereignty – The Lord tells Paul that He is working out a plan in his life.  He reminds him that this plan will be accomplished only through His strength and power. 

The Prize of Peace – Paul tells us that it is “in these things” that he has found peace and contentment. He had learned that God is present and powerful in the battles of life, just as He is during times of peace and prosperity.

Only the One crowned by thorns can transform our thorns into triumphal experiences of grace and glory!

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