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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

God created the heavens and the earth

30 November 
Scripture Reading
Read Genesis 1:1-5 and reflect on the passage.

“In the beginning, God created”—from nothing. Amazing! And let’s not miss the miracle of the first day. God spoke: “Light!” and light appeared. Awesome! By a series of truly stunning decrees, He called into being the ordered world. Was He preparing the earth for man’s arrival—His last and best miracle of creation? Above and beyond our imagination!

Then the unthinkable happened—man (we) forgot the Above-and-Beyond God; we chose darkness over His Amazing Light. As we wandered in the dark, hoping for His Light to return, He had already made plans to reconcile us to the Light again! We await this Light. Come Light Divine!

In this Advent time, let’s not miss the miracle of the first Christmas. God spoke through the angel, “I bring you good news…today there has been born for you a Savior” (Luke 2:10-11). Amazing! God spoke through John, “The true light…was coming into the world,” affirming Jesus as that Light (John 1:9). Awesome! Was He preparing man for His arrival as the God-Man to bring us back to Himself? Above and beyond our deserving! Come, Lord Jesus, Light Divine!

1. What to you is the most amazing thing about creation or about the God of creation?
2. Are you living in anticipation of Jesus coming again? Why or why not?

We thank You, Creator God, for showing us that You are above-and-beyond anything we can imagine or deserve. Keep us in Your Light. Amen.
—Mary Lou Garves

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