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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

God is Powerful

 November 29
Scripture Reading
Read Joshua 3:14-17; 4:10-24 and reflect on the passages.

My family loves to go to new places. Whenever we go someplace new, we have made it our practice to find a magnet that we can put on our refrigerator so that every time we open the refrigerator door it reminds us of some family adventure. Many times when I was grabbing milk or filling up a water glass my eyes fell on one of our vacation-refrigerator-magnets and I smiled—remembering something particular about that special event in the life we are making together.

Our vacation-refrigerator-magnets are physical reminders of experiences we do not want to forget. In Joshua’s day the nation of Israel was not on some family vacation, rather they were locked into survival mode and they needed to daily rely on God’s provision for daily bread, provision, and direction.

Stopping the Jordan river during flood stage was the kind of God-sized miracle you would not want to forget. Piling up the 12 stones in Gilgal was the “vacation-refrigerator-magnet” that stood as a lasting memory of how God cares for His dear people.

1.     So what are the events in your life that demonstrate God’s power for you?
2.     What can you do to remind yourself of what God has done?

Father, You have demonstrated Your power, provision, and love to me in many ways. Help me to always remember Your faithfulness.

—Brodie Taphorn

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