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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Light for my path

I’m thankful to get the chance to share my favorite scripture with you this week.  Psalm 119:105 is a scripture I have clung to over the past four years. 

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.

Serving God is not easy.  Working and serving in the church has it’s struggles.  Following God’s call to, go where He leads does not ensure a smooth journey.  I have been challenged to rely on God’s word like never before. 

When I’ve wondered where God was I’m reminded, in his word, that he is near.  When the battle gets hard, I read that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual powers in the dark realm.

If we mess up and spend too much time satisfying our own selfish desires, we’re reassured that nothing can separate us from his love.  God’s word is filled with everything we need to direct us as we journey through life. It is shining for us, giving us just enough light to take the next step.

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