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Sunday, December 4, 2016


Acts 17:22-27a
  • Write out the Acts passage
  • What images came to mind when you heard these words? 
  • How does this passage stretch your understanding of God?
Have someone close in a simple prayer.
Conclude together by saying “We go now in peace, ending this time in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.” Blow out the candle.

The Advent wreath helps us get ready for Jesus. Christians throughout history have tried to ensure the busyness of this season does not overtake their focus. Advent can be an incredible time of spiritual refreshment and renewal!

This week is all about seeing God as enough. Emmanuel. God with us. Jesus did not need us nor did He need our love. God is fully, wholly, and completely love. God, out of goodness and generosity, created this beautiful world. And from that same heart, He came down to us to be with us and live with us, to love us, and heal us.

Here are some other ways you can put your faith into practice with this week’s focus of “Enough.”

For Adults
Get outside this week and find beauty. Breathe in the cold air and give time for your eyes to really take in God’s amazing creation. Thank Him for his goodness. Invite someone to join you on a walk, hike or jog to search for what speaks God’s creativity to you.
For Teens
Get outside this week and find beauty. Breathe in the cold air and give time for your eyes to really take in God’s amazing creation. Slow down and thank Him for his goodness. If you like to take pictures, invite a family member or friend to join you on a search for what speaks God’s creativity to you from nature. Post and share it with others if you like. #ualcgodwithus
For Kids
Take a walk with your kids this week. Make a game out of finding things that look beautiful all around you, such as “I spy…” Once you are done, give thanks together to God for how amazing He is for creating the world. God is good and he loves us!

—Andrea Taphorn & David White

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