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Monday, December 5, 2016

Strength and victory are God’s

5 December
Scripture Reading
Read Job 12:13-25 and reflect on the passage.

As I read these verses two days after the presidential election of 2016, it immediately brought to mind the flurry of emotions and angst many Americans have felt over the past year. We have endured an embattled, negative political campaign that is unprecedented in recent memory. On Election Day, I prayerfully cast my ballot as if my vote—as if we alone on earth—would make the difference in how our next four years would go. But isn’t there more to it?

The author of Job declares that God is sovereign over all the nations, rulers, and people. He alone has the wisdom and power to make use of all leaders, both good and bad. So while my vote did make its worldly mark, He’s ultimately in control. We have only to look at Jesus’ crucifixion to see that God orchestrated the events that led to the salvation of the world. I have to ask myself, had I been around at that time, would I have understood His master plan? Would I have known the difference that would make?

1.      What are some examples of God’s power and wisdom that have already been shown to man?
2.      Who should we look to for counsel and sound judgment?

Open our hearts Lord! We pray for all those in authority, that You would grant them wisdom and discernment as they lead. Amen.

—Carole Roys

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