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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

God is all-seeing

7 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Hebrews 4:12-13 and reflect on the passage.

Scenario: Company is coming over soon—so with tornado-like speed, I yell orders while tossing old mail and school papers into drawers. Dirty clothes are shoved in the laundry. Objects are thrown into closets, while whatever dishes can’t be washed are slid from the counter directly into the dishwasher. With minutes to spare, I scan each room to see what final messes I can hide. Thank goodness none of my guests have x-ray vision or they’d surely discover my secrets. But they aren’t the only ones I try to keep in the dark. Too often I attempt to hide my weaknesses from the one who truly can access the deepest parts of me. “Maybe He won’t notice!”

Really, who am I trying to kid? Of course He notices because He sees all—all the dirt and all the mess. But you know what, somehow I’m still enough. Amazingly, I’m still a recipient of His love because He is Enough. He doesn’t need my love but desires it so that I can enjoy his company in heaven (where I know dusting isn’t required). Thank God!

1.      What are we trying to hide from others? From ourselves? From God?
2.      What can we do to remind ourselves that God sees all and still loves us?

Thank You God for being enough and loving me, flaws and all. Help me to keep a watchful eye for those who need Your message of love this holiday. We spend so much time and energy hiding. Remind us that nothing is hidden from Your sight. You ask us to lay our hearts bare before You so that we will come to know Your love and mercy in ways we’ve never experienced before. Thank You! It’s in Your name we pray—Amen.

—Jennifer Jerrome 

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