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Thursday, December 8, 2016

God requires—but does not need—our sacrifices

December 8
Scripture Reading
Read Psalm 50:7-15 and reflect on the passage.

Learning that God did not need me set me free. When I began to serve in ministry 13 years ago, I set out with a simple mission—to save the world. I was passionate, hungry and ambitious. I wanted to reach every teenager who didn’t know Jesus, and through the process, wanted to radically transform the church. You can imagine, perhaps, how frustrating it was for me when, six months into my first ministry, progress was stalled, the church remained unchanged, and the problem seemed to be me. What God taught me in that season of disappointment lasts with me to this day—God does not need me, my gifts and talents, or my thoughts—but He wants me. God gives me the privilege of joining Him in the adventure of ministry.

That is the same message God gives Israel in this passage. Their sacrifice is not about the sacrifice, but about the sacrificing. It is not the bull or the goat that God desires, but rather the heart of the one offering the sacrifice. Even then, He does not desire our hearts for His sake, but for ours. We are best when we are surrendered fully to God.

1.      What are you offering God? Are you offering that thing, or are you offering yourself?
2.      Does God have all of your heart today? What might you be holding back from Him?

God who needs nothing, thank You for allowing me to offer myself to You. I give You all I have and all I am. Amen.
—Aaron Thompson

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