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Friday, December 23, 2016

God’s nature is clearly evident

23 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Romans 1:18-25 and reflect on the passage.

As a missionary who has lived among rural African peoples, I struggle with these verses of Scripture. They have been used to say that Africans are “idol worshipers” in order to justify conquering “godless” African peoples for the purpose of selling their bodies into slavery! It is tempting to use Scripture only to point out others’ sin and then to justify my own self-serving actions.
But as grace-loving Christians, we love the Apostle Paul, and the precious gospel which he so eloquently expresses. So maybe we can take another look at these verses and apply them to ourselves.
What are idols and gods for people like us in suburban Columbus? Martin Luther famously wrote, “Anything on which your heart relies and depends, I say, that is really your God.”

So on what is your heart relying as you approach Christmas? To whom or what are you planning to sacrifice today? Will that make it a “good Christmas?” Will that make God somehow feel closer? The real Christmas truth is that God’s presence came as close as humanly possible in the form of a little baby. Divine power in ordinary and vulnerable human presence.

1.      How can you be dependent on God today?
2.      How can you draw close to God by being truly present with ordinary and vulnerable people in your life?
God, help me to depend on You and recognize in ordinary and vulnerable people, Your unstoppable love.
—Nathan Esala 

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