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Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Messiah will be born of a virgin

 December 24
Scripture Reading
Read Luke 1:26-38 and reflect on the passage.

Sharing the “extraordinary” with people you love is one of the great joys in life. But life is not a string of unceasing extraordinary moments. In fact, those brilliant moments are often surrounded by less glamorous events or seasons.

One evening in college, for no reason whatsoever, I found myself feeling as if I were drowning in a sea of anxiety and sorrow. I can’t even tell you why, but I picked up the phone and blubbered something through tears and sobs to my dad. Do you know what he did? He—likely all settled in for the night—left his home to travel to the college campus to sit with me, pray with me, and sit some more. Well after midnight, he drove home. That was it.

It’s a rather ordinary story, but my father’s presence was an extraordinary gift that night. I truly can’t tell you any other details about the event because I don’t remember—it didn’t matter. My father’s presence is what mattered. When Christ was born into this earth, He wasn’t born into a perfect Hallmark movie. He was born to an ordinary young woman, in conditions that were far from perfect or glamorous. And frankly, I don’t think any of that mattered. In His ordinary birth, Christ was our extraordinary gift that night in Bethlehem, and He still is today. His presence is what matters.

1.      Do you tend to recognize God more in the extraordinary or ordinary moments of life?
2.      How have you sensed God’s presence with you today?

I thank You, God, for the extraordinary gift of Your presence with me this day. Guide me in the ordinary moments of my life, and open my eyes to the beautiful gift of being in a relationship with You—this day and all days. Amen.
—Katie Borden 

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