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Monday, December 26, 2016

Jesus’ humility shown through His baptism

26 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Matthew 3:13-17 and reflect on the passage.

Why in the world is Jesus standing in a long line of people waiting to be baptized by a crazy man shouting repent? Believe it or not, this was the very time He had been waiting for, the time when people were more aware of their sin and their need for God than ever before. In being willing to be baptized, He would come to identify with the very ones He came to save.

Many thought John was the one, but he clearly understood his role and knew there was One coming after him who would be greater. He allowed himself to be surpassed. Jesus who was washed clean in the Jordan was the greater One, the Messiah, yet He was willing to assume a position of subservience as He submitted himself to a baptism of repentance by John. He humbled himself and appeared lesser.

Humility in this day and age—when the focus seems more on self—appears all but non-existent. John and Jesus were able to humbly step aside to let God accomplish His call in them. When the cry is to get our own way, we would do well to seek first God’s purpose and plan.

1.      How is Jesus revealing Himself to you in ways that ask you to step back so that He may be exalted in your life?
2.      Recalling your own baptism, how is the Glory of God being revealed through humble acts of word and deed in and through you?

Humble our hearts Oh Lord, that we may be set free from all that keeps us from Your plan and purpose for our lives. Amen.

—Patti Morlock

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