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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Jesus reminds us to be humble

December 27
Scripture Reading
Read Luke 18:8-14 and reflect on the passage.

I can still see the Sunday School picture of this parable as I first learned it. All of us kids wondered: Who would be so stupidly arrogant as this boastful Pharisee? We didn’t even realize that we were judging ourselves as better than the Pharisee, just the Pharisee had thought himself better than the tax collector!

“Oh, we all can get that Pharisee-stupid some time or other,” our teacher assured us, “whenever we forget we’re sinners like the tax collector.” She suggested that Jesus tells us this story because He wants us to work like a saint but worship like a sinner. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we can come to God as forgiven sinners. What gratitude to God we—as forgiven people—can have! Then, because of God’s spirit in us, we have the power to do the good works He has prepared for us. What amazing things God can work in us when we follow Him! Worship with the thankfulness of a sinner who doesn’t deserve God’s kindness. Work with the energy of a saint of God’s own making in His Spirit’s power.

1.      How can you do the right thing for the right reason?
2.      How does the opinion of others mess with your faith life?

Jesus, You wash us clean. You power us up. You prepare the way for us to go. When we stumble, rescue us again. Thank You.

—Pam Mann

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