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Monday, December 19, 2016

The Lord saves David from his sin

19 December 
Scripture Reading
Read 2 Samuel 12:1-13 and reflect on the passage.

This is a tough story of confrontation and salvation. God sends Nathan to help King David face what he has done. It’s a terrible thing, and Nathan uses a parable/story to draw David into the reality of his sin. David is appalled and angry. Then Nathan points to him: “this is you; this is what you’ve done; this is your sin.” David’s response is the right one—David could have tried to avoid the truth and reality of what he has done. David is drawn to confession by this confrontation. And in this confession, David finds his release and the mercy of God for such a horrible set of crimes.

God is willing; God is standing ready; God may even send a messenger or circumstance to point us to the truth of our need for mercy and forgiveness. Faced with our sins, we always have the choice: to avoid/deny, or to seek the only remedy that matters. We need the forgiveness we don’t deserve but God is offering in Jesus, and there is no sin beyond this mercy. David is proof of that.

1.      Is there something in your life that needs a Nathan to point to on God’s behalf?
2.      Do you think this sin is beyond God’s mercy? Pray that God will help you see it differently?

Lord, thank You that You don’t leave us alone in our sins. Help us to admit and surrender to a mercy that dies for us. In Jesus, Amen.

—Paul Ulring

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