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Sunday, December 18, 2016


Week 4 Advent Devotions
December 18
Write out the 1 Kings passage.
What images came to mind when you heard these words? 
How does this passage stretch your understanding of God?

Have someone close in a simple prayer.
Conclude together by saying “We go now in peace, ending this time in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.” Blow out the candle.
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The light of the candles pierces through the darkness and reminds us of the “Light of Christ” that we anticipate during this season.

Here are some other ways you can put your faith into practice with this week’s focus of “Ordinary.”
For Adults
Keep a small notebook by your bed. Before going to sleep each night, take a moment to look back on your day. Begin by writing the small and simple things that you are thankful for, then press a little deeper by looking for where God might have been in those moments. See if you notice God at work in the ordinary during your week.
For Teens
Create a photo-journal this week of things, people or special moments that help you see God at work. Take a picture from nature of something God created, take a picture of some of the people you see God through and take a picture to record any moment where it seemed like God was especially present. #ualcgodwithus
For Kids
Each day, take a little time with your child to write or draw about a time in their life that God was there for them. As you do this, have them remember that God is there with them, even as you remember past times that they’ve seen Him. See if during this week they notice God in the ordinary parts of life—like at school, at home, or when they are playing with friends. He is everywhere!

—Aaron Thompson & David White

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